Level Up Jiu Jitsu Kids in Brazil win big over the weekend in São Paulo!! Congratulations to all the kids and to Coach Felipe Makoto leading the #LevelUpBrazil project where kids train free sponsored by IJEF!! IJEF (www.i-jef.org) is an organization that sponsors kids training Jiu Jitsu around the world and was originally founded by Professor Erik Klinger of Level Up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu West Los Angeles. It has now grown to be a larger organization encompassing many different Jiu Jitsu schools in many different countries. We are especially proud of the Level Up Jiu Jitsu project going on in Brazil as Coach Felipe is training these kids almost 7 days a week in order to prepare them for the best competitions around Sao Paulo and soon he hopes internationally! Great work Coach Felipe and Level Up Brazil kids!!
#IJEF #IJEFBrasil #RollingTowardABetterWorld #KidsTrainFree #LevelUpBrazil #levelupProject #BrazilandUSA @makoto_bjj