Big thank you to our sponsors who have been a huge support of the upcoming
JIU JITSU vs CANCER Level Up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu West Los Angeles Grand Opening
Sunday, April 24th! These sponsors have donated time, money and effort towards the cause of fighting breast cancer as well as in support of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for Kids and Adults in Santa Monica, Brentwood, and West Los Angeles area through the Level Up School System.
#jiujitsuVScancer #breastcancerawareness #earlydetection #support #care #share #thankyou #grateful @americancancersociety @tapcancerout @knockoutcancer @stopcancer4good @stephaniedrewsphotography @harvestactive @911biocare @neriumintl @scwrapps @pttcorona @bjjmojo @cacao_coffee_house @rolladdiction @blossomcreativestudio @blickartmaterials